For the past few years, Mary and I have gone to the SC State Fair together. Shout out to her aunt who provides us with tickets and ride passes each year! Things have changed some since we started going and we’ve added a couple more guys to the mix 😉 but I love these memories with my sweet friend and look forward to this day each October. Last year Mary and Zach had just started dated and this year, they are just one week away from their wedding.
I decided to bring my camera along this year because I LOVE LOVE LOVE fair pictures more than anything. I focused on documenting us versus all the food we ate, minus one pic of a donut burger #teamDB. We all left extremely happy, including Matt who had never been to the fair (can you believe it?!). We were filled with some pizza-on-a-stick, donut burgers and a funnel cake to top it all off. So worth every penny and calorie.